Discoveries during SB!!!

hey hey hey well i am on spring break and it is nice but i miss my friends!!! they all went home...but it is ok cuz i got closer with the ones that live here or i got to hangout more with old friends from high school which wa snice also! i had too much homework and it kinda sucks but it is ok ummmm april is jam packed with stuff so i am gonna be running all over the place but i thought i'd check in a little bit. well yep and over spring break my biggest discovery was SUPER TACO!!!! awesome place to eat! the best tacos EVER!!!!! and with some la vics orange sauce it is awesome!!! and this i also discovered which is like the the best cereal ever!!! and i can't believe i just fond it now! and it is pretty healthy too! and the best part is it is only $1.50 per box! now that is the college DREAM! well here it is! i recomend it!