Monday, June 25, 2007


yes i bought actual CDs today!!!!

Taylor Swift!!!


Brad Paisley!!!!

i am like getting hardcore country addict these days! i can't help it i find myself checking the country radio stations before anthing else lol i wait to see what the next song will be after the commercials!!! lol

all good CDs btw!

well have a good day and check 'em out!

here are two of the three covers!!!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007


Well my goal was to get a job this summer and so i applied to a few different places and i got the top three jobs i wanted lol but i let one go and so i now am working at American Eagle! and a chirldren fitness program called jumpbunch primarily for ages 2-5 i am super stoked so that is what i will be up to this summer and i will see if i have to let american eagle go after the summer of if they can just significatly lower my hours. we'll see. wish me luck! my summer will be full of work and fun! hehehehe and vacation my have to wait until winter break or something we'll see. just thouught i would give you an up date on my summer plans.