Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rose Ball!

My Grand Big from Kappa Sigma Fraternity
My Delta Zeta Greek Family
(missing my big sis and other little and my one and only grand little)

House Picture!

My date and I

On April 24, 2009 I had my first Rose Ball! Every semester Delta Zeta has a dance kinda like prom. But they are never as formal as prom. Well Rose Ball is! we invite all our alumni back to come they reunite with friends and we have an excuse to get a better venue and dress up more! It was such a blast! We also vote on awards in the chapter before the dance. well i was not in chapter but i was told i was nominated for an award and I WON!!!! MOST INSPARATIONAL SISTER! It was awesome and so exciting! and such an honor! well here are a few pictures!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beauty Bowl

Every Spring Kappa Sigma Fraternity holds an event call Beauty Bowl. This is a powder puff flag football game. I played last spring and I decided to come back and play this year. We were a complete joke last year and we wanted to change that this year. We practiced 7-10 times before the big day. The way it works is each sorority that wants to play pays and then fraternities that want to coach pay and all the proceeds go to the philanthropy of which ever sorority wins. It is a great cause and a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we lost however we did suprise the team that was talking a lot of trash. We were the first team they played and we scared them pretty good we held our own and were pretty aggressive. I was proud of our team! It was a lot of fun and I with it was an event held every semester! It is fun to get my aggression out and prove that I am not that girl who doesn't want to get a little tough. I am normally very girlie! I don't handle bugs, dirt, and well you get the point but center/lineman I am all down for.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Life Style Change

Well it has only been two weeks in my "life style change" but I feel like it is a "life style change" I am eating 300 times better than before and Physical activity is something I used to make up reasons for why i did not have time. I hated going to the gym therefore, I didn't lol but no more! I hit my breakig point and I am on a role! I run/walk a 3.2 mile laps around my house in between 30 and 40 minutes. I know that may not sound like much but I can feel the improvement each time I run. I am determined to be fit! and Slender! That is the biggest thing in my life right now besides school and Delta Zeta.
Delta Zeta is participating in a philanthropy event in powder puff football. I did it last year and loved it. this year we are not going to be the joke team. We have been practicing very regularly! the game is on the 17 so about two weeks away. I am the Center (which means I hike the ball as well as of course.....BLOCK! hahahaha)

I did well on my first set of midterms and this week comes the next set of them! So I will be studying! wish me luck! Oh and TAP! I could not love something more! I wish I had started when I was younger. I am thinking about taking her class at her personal studio over the summer. We will see!
We have learned several different steps and a few combinations. Right now we are learning traveling times step! My favorites that I have already learned in class a cincinaties (which are a backward step and was a step that I could actually feel the light bulb go on for. The rythum is a huge key and makes it so much fun!)