Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Now some pictures!!! hehhehe
My DZ Pride!
well life is getting super crazy! life is taking me on a ride that i just hope i can stay on. I finally feel like my life is what college should be like. I feel like somethings hold me down but overall i feel like i am just like everyone else and it feels sooo good! DZ has changed my life! i couldn't express how much DZ means to me with words. I just feel like the girls i have bonded with are true they really like me. The girls that i have hungout with that i would never know if i hadn't made the step to look into a sorority! i only wish more girls who felt like i did would be willing to look past what some may say about sororities! i recently did an informative speech on Delta Zeta just explaining what we are about and to educate ppl about why sooo many ppl on our college campus wear the Greek letters with pride, yell chants, and are pumped for Greek events! My teacher was shocked at how much he learned ppl all seemed really into it and interested in what i had to say and i am gonna do my last speech which is persuasive on why a sorority is a positive experience. and i can't wait! I have so much pride for something that i never wanted to be a part of and i almost backed out near the final days where i had to change classes to be in DZ cuz of our weekly chapter was conflicting with a night class and classes hadn't started so it wasn't a big deal but i was like oh i can just wait until next semester but thanks to my dad who said "Ash you sound really excited why would you wait just go for it! it is like something you really want, you should try it." and so i did and now i can't think of how dark this semester would be without DZ! I am social and the social aspect of DZ is so nice to have i went to DZ did homework and had a blast with the girls today and it made my day brighten up! i mean there are negitives and stress involved when you deal with a bunch of girls but it is well worth the experiences i get to have! i only wish i had done it sooner! lol None of my suite mates other than the one that joined with me understand what it is or why we love it. they don't want to know and that is fine but it feels nice when ppl see my Greek letters and smile at me cuz they are Greek and we are in the same family! i dunno it just pumps me up to have so much. some question me and try to put it down but i stick up for DZ just like i would for my family! Don't judge something until you've tried it! and i hope to have a daughter who can feel the same way!